Potsdam Fire Department Holds Annual Banquet
By Fire Chief Danielle Rose
April 23, 2017

The annual Potsdam Fire Department banquet was held on Saturday April 22, 2017, at the Elks Lodge in Potsdam. Over 100 members and guests were welcomed at the banquet.

Master of Ceremonies, James Mason, entertained everyone with numerous stories and jokes. After dinner many community members, fellow fire and rescue squad organizations and numerous members of the Potsdam Fire Department were recognized for their hard work and dedication to not only the Potsdam community but also the surrounding communities.

The Potsdam Volunteer Fire Department answered over 530 calls this past year, totaling over 8000 hours volunteered to the citizens of Potsdam! These numbers do not account for the numerous hours members put in around the station, training, attending meetings, fire prevention, etc.

Years of Service Awards:
Matt Maroun- 5 years
Josh McGregor- 10 years
Justin Perry- 15 years
Mark Bradish- 30 years
Mike Boysuk- 35 years

The Rookie of the Year award is presented to a member is newer to the department and has shown huge interest and dedication on and off the scene. This individual started his journey as a rookie firefighter on February 21, 2014. This firefighter has stepped up and taken many State/local training classes, has no problem lending a hand where a hand is needed, and makes sure to ask many veteran firefighters lots of questions. This year’s Rookie of the Year was awarded to Justin McGregor.

The Spring Arm Award is presented to a individual who is always willing to drive the fire truck over fighting fire You will frequently hear “I’m driving” when the pager sounds. This individual has spent countless hours training on the trucks along with helping other get trained on the firetrucks. This member has served the Potsdam Fire Department since September 5, 2013. This year’s Spring Arm Award was awarded to Brad Andrus.

The Aggravator of the Year award is presented to a member who knows how to push everyone’s buttons. This individual knows what they are doing before they start pushing buttons but does it anyway, always in good fun. This member has served the Potsdam Fire Department since April 4, 1978, totaling just over 39 years of aggravating experience. This year’s aggravator of the year award was awarded to Jim Corbett.

The Chiefs Award is presented to member who stands out throughout the year to the chiefs. This individual has been a huge asset to the Potsdam Fire Department. Serving the Potsdam Fire Department since November 6, 1978, we cannot thank him enough for his commitment and dedication to the department! This year’s Chiefs Award was awarded to Robert Robar.

The Firefighter of the Year Award is chosen by the Board of Chiefs. The award is presented to a member who has gone above and beyond the call of duty during the year. This individual has served the Potsdam Fire Department since July 18, 2013. We have had the opportunity to see this individual strive on the fire ground and trainings but we have also seen this individual struggle. This individual takes everything a veteran member tells him to heart. With the next generation firefighter of the Potsdam Fire Department on its way, the 2016 Firefighter of the Year was award to Mark Maroney. (If you see father Mark Maroney or mother Brittany Gilbo, be sure to congratulate them on the exciting news of expecting a baby boy on the way)

Certificate of Merit for having over 300 hours of service for the year 2016-2017:
Justin McGregor- 474
James Corbett- 390
Danielle Rose- 529
Brad Andrus- 479
Robert Robar- 595
Corey Matthie-429
David Monahan- 379

The members of the Potsdam Fire Department would also like to thank the Canton Fire Department for providing a crew to answer calls for the night so the members of the Potsdam Fire Department could enjoy themselves.