On Sunday February 19th, 2023 at 2215 hours, Potsdam Fire, Potsdam Rescue, and County Car 10 were dispatched for a fire in a salon at 20 Elm Street in the Village. Canton Fire was also dispatched to respond with Tower 1, as Potsdam Tower 5 is currently out of service for repairs. Engine 49 responded and once on scene, firefighters placed an inch and three quarter handline into operation quelling the fire and limiting the damage to the Salon. West Stockholm Fire was requested to the scene with manpower, Canton Tower 1 was canceled enroute. Firefighters from Potsdam and West Stockholm checked the rest of the building, which consists of apartments and other businesses for fire extension with none found. Building was ventilated, and Fire investigators were requested to the scene.
Potsdam Fire was assisted on scene by Potsdam Rescue, Potsdam Police, West Stockholm Fire, National Grid, Spectrum, St. Lawrence County Car 3, and 36.
Potsdam Fire was back in service at 0028 hours, February 20th 2023 |